“Safe, Legal, Ethical, and Effective”?: It’s Time to Annul the PENS Report

Many viewers were outraged this past August watching NBC’s Today Show interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney. Promoting the release of his new memoir, Cheney nodded in agreement when Matt Lauer noted that the VP continues to support waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques” (e.g., stress positions, hypothermia, sleep deprivation, fear induction). Lauer also …

The Dark Side of “Comprehensive Soldier Fitness”

(NOTE: My thanks to co-authors Marc Pilisuk and Stephen Soldz.) Why is the world’s largest organization of psychologists so aggressively promoting a new, massive, and untested military program? The APA’s enthusiasm for mandatory “resilience training” for all US soldiers is troubling on many counts. The January 2011 issue of the American Psychologist, the American Psychological …